Management Buyout Fraught With Flawed ESOP Valuations

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 18 No. 11
Legal and Court Case Update
November 2012
4225 General Warehousing and Storage
493110 General Warehousing and Storage
ESOP valuations

Chesemore v. Alliance Holdings, Inc. (I)
2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 103731
July 24, 2012
Federal Court
United States District Court
Stout Risius Ross Inc. (ESOP appraisers); Barnes Wendling (fairness opinion); RSM McGladrey Inc. (BV consultant to ESOP trustees); Alpha Investment Consulting LLC (independent advisors to ESOP trustees)


Federal district court makes extensive finding regarding breaches of fiduciary duties for ESOP trustees that caused company to enter heavily leveraged buyout despite falling forecasts and flawed valuations marred by manager conflicts of interest.

See Also

Chesemore v. Alliance Holdings, Inc. (I)

: Federal district court makes extensive finding regarding breaches of fiduciary duties for ESOP trustees that caused company to enter heavily leveraged buyout despite falling forecasts and flawed valuations marred by manager conflicts of interest.