Lessons From Daubert: Verify Client Projections, Comparables, and Causation

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 17 No. 5
Legal and Court Case Update
May 2011
5735 Record and Prerecorded Tape Stores
512250 Record Production and Distribution
economic damages & lost profits
damages, lost profits, daubert, economic damages & lost profits, rule 702, yardstick analysis

Victory Records, Inc. v. Virgin Records America, Inc.
2011 WL 382743 (N.D. Ill.)
February 3, 2011
Federal Court
United States District Court
Bruce Kolbrenner


Court denies music industry expert under Daubert for failing to verify plaintiff’s internal sales projections; for using only a single comparable; and for failing to consider alternative causes for lost profits.

See Also

Victory Records, Inc. v. Virgin Records America, Inc.

Court denies music industry expert under Daubert for failing to verify plaintiff’s internal sales projections; for using only a single comparable; and for failing to consider alternative causes for lost profits.