Key-person discount denied for lack of credibility and cooperation

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 10 No. 9
Legal and Court Case Update
September 2004
6531 Real Estate Agents and Managers
531320 Offices of Real Estate Appraisers
marital dissolution/divorce

Feldick v. Feldick
2004 Minn. App. LEXIS 529
May 18, 2004
State Court
Court of Appeals
Beverly Kaye Dodge, Joseph M. Buchmeier, William D. Siegel


The issue in this marital dissolution was the value of the couple’s two businesses, Residential Appraisers Inc. (RAI), an appraisal company, and Concessions Inc. (CI), a food supplier.

See Also

Feldick v. Feldick

One issue in this marital dissolution case was the weight given to the expert's testimony.