Income Approach Does Not Assume an Actual Buyer for the Business

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 18 No. 4
Legal and Court Case Update
April 2012
4813 Telephone Communications, Except Radiotelephone
malpractice (legal)

Sann v. Mastrian
2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 9107
January 26, 2012
Federal Court
United States District Court
Thomas J. Sponsel (plaintiff)


Court dismisses as “meritless” a Daubert challenge to a $2.7 million business valuation under the income approach, which claimed the expert incorrectly assumed that there was actually a buyer for the company at this amount.

See Also

Sann v. Mastrian

Court dismisses as “meritless” a Daubert challenge to a $2.7 million business valuation under the income approach, which claimed the expert incorrectly assumed that there was actually a buyer for the company at this amount.