Husband bears loss of marital asset caused by his intentional wrongdoing

Business Valuation Update BVLaw
Legal and Court Case Update
February 8, 1999
7353 Heavy Construction Equipment Rental and Leasing
238910 Site Preparation Contractors
marital dissolution/divorce
marital dissolution, valuation date

Dixon v. Dixon
334 S.C. 222, 512 S.E.2d 539, 1999 S.C. App. LEXIS 23
State Court
South Carolina
Court of Appeals
Gerald Feinberg (for wife)
Per curiam


In this marital dissolution, the issue was whether the trial court erred in not including in the marital estate the value of husband's business at the time the action was commenced.

See Also

Dixon v. Dixon

At issue is whether husband's crane and rigging business should be included in the valuation of marital estate.