Goodwill at Issue in Appellate Court’s Reluctant Affirmation

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 10 No. 10
Legal and Court Case Update
October 2004
8011 Offices and Clinics of Doctors of Medicine
621111 Offices of Physicians (except Mental Health Specialists)
marital dissolution/divorce

Hoebelheinrich v. Hoebelheinrich
2004 Va. App. LEXIS 376
August 3, 2004
State Court
Court of Appeals
James R. Henderson IV, Robert M. Galumbeck
Dr. Ward Zimmerman (for wife); Janet Schrader, CPA (for husband)


One issue in this marital dissolution was the value of husband’s medical practice.

See Also

Hoebelheinrich v. Hoebelheinrich

At issue in this case was the value of husband’s medical practice.