FRE 702 Ruling Puts Expert in ‘Uncommon Position’

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 21 No. 6
Legal and Court Case Update
June 2015
1382 Oil and Gas Field Exploration Services
213112 Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations
expert testimony, admissibility, rule 702, federal rules of evidence (FRE)

Ross v. Rothstein
2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 30180
March 12, 2015
Federal Court
United States District Court
n/a (plaintiff); n/a (defendant)


Court affirms magistrate judge’s decision to exclude expert’s ultimate conclusions but to admit his factual statements; under Rule 702, he had the specialized knowledge to provide background information helpful to court’s understanding of the evidence.

See Also

Ross v. Rothstein

Court affirms magistrate judge’s decision to exclude expert’s ultimate conclusions but to admit his factual statements; under Rule 702, he had the specialized knowledge to provide background information helpful to court’s understanding of the evidence.