Financial Crisis Fallout: Wachovia/Wells Fargo Merger Challenged

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 15 No. 1
Legal and Court Case Update
January 2009
6021 National Commercial Banks
522110 Commercial Banking
breach of fiduciary duty

Ehrenhaus v. Baker
2008 WL 4787594 (N.C. Super.)
November 3, 2008
State Court
North Carolina
Superior Court
Carl L Stine, Chet Waldman, Edward J Fuhr, Garland S Cassada, Gregory L Jones, Katherine G Maynard, Patrick L Robson, Paul K Rowe, Robert M Kornreich, Robert W Fuller, T Thomas Cottingham


Wachovia shareholder sues to enjoin merger with Wells Fargo in the midst of 2008 financial crisis, alleging breach of directors’ duties and unfair merger price.

See Also

Ehrenhaus v. Baker

Wachovia shareholder sues to enjoin merger with Wells Fargo in the midst of 2008 financial crisis, alleging breach of directors’ duties and unfair merger price.