Expert Evidence Supports Case for Lost Profits

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 4 No. 12
Legal and Court Case Update
December 1998
1542 General Contractors-Nonresidential Buildings, Other than Industrial Buildings and Warehouses
236220 Commercial and Institutional Building Construction
breach of contract

W.S.A., Inc. and Harmon Contract v. ACA Corporation
1998 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 14461
September 15, 1998
Federal Court
New York
United States District Court
Joan Lipton (for ACA)


Harmon was hired in 1993 as a subcontractor for the design and construction of an exterior wall panel system (the "curtainwall").

See Also

W.S.A., Inc. and Harmon Contract v. ACA Corporation

ACA seeks damages from Harmon for the "destruction of its business," based on the fair market value of ACA before its demise.