Defendant Uses Daubert to Deconstruct Expert’s DCF in Beer Distribution Case

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 16 No. 8
Legal and Court Case Update
August 2010
5181 Beer and Ale
424810 Beer and Ale Merchant Wholesalers

Warren Distributing Co. v. In Bev USA, LLC
2010 WL 2179167 (D. N.J.)
May 28, 2010
Federal Court
United States District Court
Robert J. Taylor IV (plaintiffs)


Court considers Daubert challenge that would preclude DCF in valuing beer distribution rights based on alleged flaws and the superiority of market multiple approach.

See Also

Warren Distributing Co. v. In Bev USA, LLC

Court considers Daubert challenge that would preclude DCF in valuing beer distribution rights based on alleged flaws and the superiority of market multiple approach.