Damages Based on Retention of Patients Affirmed

Business Valuation Update BVLaw
Legal and Court Case Update
April 16, 2002
8042 Offices and Clinics of Optometrists
621320 Offices of Optometrists
damages, breach of contract, noncompete agreement

Prairie Eye Center, Ltd. v. Patrick J. Butler, M.D.
No. 4-01-0005 (Ill. App. 4 Dist. 2002)
State Court
Court of Appeals
Robert Wade <br>


The Illinois Court of Appeals, 4th District, considered whether a lost profits award for breach of a noncompete agreement was speculative.

See Also

Prairie Eye Center, Ltd. v. Patrick J. Butler, M.D.

The Illinois Court of Appeals, 4th District, considered whether a lost profits award for breach of a non-compete agreement was speculative.