Characterization stock options supported by evidence

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 9 No. 2
Legal and Court Case Update
February 2003
2834 Pharmaceutical Preparations
325412 Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing
marital dissolution/divorce

Moss v. Moss
829 So. 2d 302, 2002 Fla. App. LEXIS 15557
October 25, 2002
State Court
Court of Appeals
Bill Jackson (for wife); Catherine Key (for husband)


The primary issues in this marital dissolution were how many shares of stock the husband held as a result of his exercise of stock options from his previous employer and whether the stock was marital or nonmarital property.

See Also

Moss v. Moss

Issues were how many shares of stock the husband held as a result of his exercise of stock options and whether the stock was marital or nonmarital.