Careful Market Model Plus Clever Trial Tactic Secures $345 Million Damages

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 18 No. 1
Legal and Court Case Update
January 2012
7372 Prepackaged Software
511210 Software Publishers
intellectual property
economic damages & lost profits, reasonable royalty, entire market value rule (EMVR)

Versata Software, Inc. v. SAP America, Inc. (I)
2011 WL 4017941 (E.D. Tex.)
September 9, 2011
Federal Court
District Court
Neeraj Gupta, Chris Blackwell, Roy Weinstein (plaintiff) and Michael Wagner (defendant)


Court upholds $345 million lost profits/reasonable royalty award for patented software infringement based on careful market reconstruction and calculations by plaintiff’s team of four experts.

See Also

Versata Software, Inc. v. SAP America, Inc. (I)

Court upholds $345 million lost profits/reasonable royalty award for patented software infringement based on careful market reconstruction and calculations by plaintiff's team of four experts.