Can an Expert’s Method Be Too Simple Under Daubert?

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 16 No. 11
Legal and Court Case Update
November 2010
3269 Pottery Products, NEC
327110 Pottery, Ceramics, and Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing

Coyne’s & Co., Inc. v. Enesco, LLC
2010 WL 3269977 (D. Minn.)
August 16, 2010
Federal Court
United States District Court
James VictorGarvey, Kelly A.Swanson, Michael J.Steinlage, Paul L.Ratelle, Thomas A.Forker, Thomas R.Dee
Arthur Cobb (plaintiff)


Court admits testimony of lost profits expert under Daubert, despite his overly simplistic analysis, including an alleged failure to consider such basic factors as incremental costs and intervening economic factors.

See Also

Coyne’s & Co., Inc. v. Enesco, LLC

Court admits testimony of lost profits expert under Daubert, despite his overly simplistic analysis, including an alleged failure to consider such basic factors as incremental costs and intervening economic factors.