Can a Trial Court Value a Restaurant Based on Cash Flow But Ignore Gross Sales?

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 16 No. 3
Legal and Court Case Update
March 2010
5812 Eating and Drinking Places
722511 Full-Service Restaurants
marital dissolution/divorce
discount for lack of control (DLOC)

Foppe v. Foppe
2009 WL 5155996 (Ohio App. 12 Dist.)
December 30, 2009
State Court
Court of Appeals
Anne B Flottman, Gregory L Adams, Jeffrey M Rollman, Michael J Menninger
Allan Bieber (wife); Reuvl Couch and Candice DeClark-Pearce (husband)


Husband appeals value of a restaurant that included only a portion of his expert report’s (cash flow) without accounting for the other portion (gross sales).

See Also

Foppe v. Foppe

Husband appeals value of a restaurant that included only a portion of his expert report’s (cash flow) without accounting for the other portion (gross sales).