Appeals Court Refuses to Disturb Lower Court’s Findings on Expert Credibility

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 10 No. 3
Legal and Court Case Update
March 2004
3711 Motor Vehicles and Passenger Car Bodies
336111 Automobile Manufacturing
marital dissolution/divorce
marital dissolution

Purdy v. Purdy
2003 Ohio 7214, 2003 Ohio App. LEXIS 6497
December 31, 2003
State Court
Court of Appeals


Husband owned a Ford Motor Company SSIP (Savings and Stock Investment Plan) account. The account consisted of four components: (1) Ford Company Stock; (2) Ford Common Stock; (3) Current Inte ...

See Also

Purdy v. Purdy

Husband's motion to vacate an order overruling objections denied because of untimeliness (counsel was out of town) and retirement benefits divided must be based on wife's life expectancy.