Estate of Welch v. Commissioner (II)

Full Text of Court Cases
March 1, 2000
4911 Electric Services
221122 Electric Power Distribution
estate and gift taxation
estate tax, fair market value (FMV), minority shareholder, willing buyer, willing seller

Estate of Welch v. Commissioner (II)
2000 U.S. App. LEXIS 3315
Federal Court
6th Circuit
United States Court of Appeals
Mercer Capital (for Electric Service, Inc.)


At issue is whether the estate had the right to discount the value of corporate stock to reflect a built-in capital gains tax liability on corporate real estate.

See Also

6th Circuit Allows Capital Gains Discount

The issue in this estate tax appeal is whether the petitioners were entitled to apply a discount for a built-in capital gains tax liability on real estate in valuing the stock of the corporation owning the real estate.

6th Circuit Estate Tax Appeal Allows Capital Gains Discount

The issue in this estate tax appeal is whether the petitioners were entitled to apply a discount for a built-in capital gains tax liability on real estate in valuing the stock of the corporation owning the real estate.

Section 1033 Election Does Not Prohibit Built-In Capital Gains Tax Deduction

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit reversed the Tax Court's decision denying the estate a deduction for built-in capital gains taxes embedded in four parcels for real property held by two closely held corporations. The parcels were under the ...