The Globe Savings Bank F.S.B. v. The United States

Full Text of Court Cases
December 19, 2003
6712 Offices of Bank Holding Companies
551111 Offices of Bank Holding Companies

The Globe Savings Bank F.S.B. v. The United States
No. 91-1550C (Fed. Cl. 2003)
Federal Court
United States Court of Federal Claims
Andrew Davidson, John J. McConnell


The U.S. Court of Federal Claims considered the government’s motions for summary judgment with regard to Globe’s damages estimates, the liability for which occurred as a result of the passage of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enactment Ac ...
The Globe Savings Bank F.S.B. v. The United States
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See Also

Lost Profits Calculations Overcome, but Cost of Replacement Capital Calculations Succumbs to Government’s Motion for Summary Judgment

The U.S. Court of Federal Claims considered the government’s motions for summary judgment with regard to Globe’s damages estimates, the liability for which occurred as a result of the passage of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enactment Act.