Rohling v. Rohling

Full Text of Court Cases
June 1, 2018
8072 Dental Laboratories
339116 Dental Laboratories
marital dissolution/divorce
expert testimony, calculation of value, capitalization of earnings, limited liability company, rule 702, SSVS-1, reliability, valuation report, engagement letter, expert qualifications

Rohling v. Rohling
266 So. 3d 51 (Ala. Civ. App. 2018)
State Court
Court of Civil Appeals
None (husband); Jeremy Blackburn (wife)


Appeals court rejects claim that expert’s value determination pursuant to a calculation engagement rather than a valuation engagement was unreliable; trial court properly considered limitations inherent in a calculation engagement when crediting expert’s value estimate, appeals court says.
Rohling v Rohling
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See Also

Appeals Court Validates Trial Court’s Reliance on Calculation of Value

Appeals court rejects claim that expert’s value determination pursuant to a calculation engagement rather than a valuation engagement was unreliable; trial court properly considered limitations inherent in a calculation engagement when crediting expert’s value estimate, appeals court says.