Howard v. Shay (US Appeals Court)

Full Text of Court Cases
November 22, 1996
8712 Architectural Services
541310 Architectural Services
ESOP valuations
adequate consideration, erisa

Howard v. Shay (US Appeals Court)
100 F.3d 1484, 1996 U.S. App. LEXIS 30228
Federal Court
9th Circuit
United States Court of Appeals
Dick May (for Howard)<br>Donald Erickson (for Shay)<br>Jim Wolf (for Shay)


At issue is the valuation of a real estate holding company.

See Also

9th Circuit Reverses PA&E District Court Decision

Pacific Architect and Engineers Inc. (PA&E ) ESOP sold its 40% stock interest to a family trust established by the stockholder, Edward Shay, who owned the other 60%.