Howard v. Shay (remanded to District Court)

Full Text of Court Cases
June 12, 1998
8712 Architectural Services
541310 Architectural Services
ESOP valuations
adequate consideration, erisa

Howard v. Shay (remanded to District Court)
1998 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 23146
Federal Court
United States District Court
Mr. Chester A. Gougis (for plaintiff) <br> Arthur Young & Company (for defendant)


At issue is breach of ESOP fiduciary duties.

See Also

Price Paid PA&E Stockholders

This is the latest installment in the lengthy saga of Howard v. Shay , a case of ESOP participants suing for undervaluation on termination of the ESOP and sale of its 38.6% stock interest to a trust controlled by the controlling stockholder.