Hornberger v. Dave Gutelius Excavating, Inc.

Full Text of Court Cases
December 15, 2017
1794 Excavation Work
238910 Site Preparation Contractors
buy/sell agreement
expert testimony, discount for lack of marketability (DLOM), minority discount, minority interest, shareholder agreement, redemption, valuation methods, discount for lack of control (DLOC), net book value

Hornberger v. Dave Gutelius Excavating, Inc.
2017 Pa. Super. LEXIS 1044
State Court
Superior Court
Brian Elsasser (plaintiff); Bradley D. Kellett, Eric Blocher (defendant)


Valuation of shares of terminated stockholder based on shareholder agreement that requires calculation of adjusted net book value and specified adjustments may include discounts, where discounts are consistent with industry practice, appellate court says.
Hornberger v. Dave Gutelius Excavating, Inc.
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See Also

Industry Practice Supports Discounts in Stock Redemption Valuation

Valuation of shares of terminated stockholder based on shareholder agreement that requires calculation of adjusted net book value and specified adjustments may include discounts, where discounts are consistent with industry practice, appellate court says.