Cede & Co. v. Technicolor, Inc.

Full Text of Court Cases
January 29, 1999
7384 Photofinishing Laboratories
812921 Photofinishing Laboratories (except One-Hour)
shareholder dissent/oppression
fair market value (FMV), court appointed expert

Cede & Co. v. Technicolor, Inc.
1999 Del. Ch. LEXIS 15
State Court
Court of Chancery
Scott K. Stuart, Dennis R. Abold
Chandler, Chancellor


At issue is the valuation of Technicolor, Inc. and the appointment of a neutral expert to make the valuation.

See Also

Court Appoints Appraisal Expert on Remand

In this newest installment of a 15-year-old statutory appraisal matter, Chancellor Chandler outlined his understanding of the mandate he received upon remand from the Delaware Supreme Court and appointed a neutral expert witness to reappraise Cede & Co.'s shares of Technicolor.