Year-end 2024 data now live in BVR’s CCPro

BVWireIssue #269-1
February 5, 2025

cost of capital
beta, cost of capital, discount rate, equity risk premium, private company valuation, risk analysis, weighted average cost of capital (WACC), cost of equity, cost of capital professional

Year-end 2024 data, including equity risk premia, CRSP decile size premia, and industry betas/IRPs, are now available in BVR’s Cost of Capital Professional platform. The platform is a simple, transparent, and cost-effective service for estimating the cost of capital and is designed to maintain professional judgment.

The most recent enhancement to the platform was the addition of industry debt percentages that can be used when determining a weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Users have the flexibility to enter any inputs from outside the platform, and it includes a “notes” box to add documentation about that input. Users also have access to unlevered industry betas, which allows you to relever using the Hamada formula at a selected debt-to-equity ratio, for use in the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). For a personalized demo of the platform, click here.

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