What are you saying about the future of the economy in your reports?

BVWireIssue #92-1
May 5, 2010

There’s certainly enough to complain about.   For example, there’s this:  “Our generation is on the verge of dooming the United States to second class status unless we change our ways dramatically and soon,” says Dr. John W. Mitchell, quoting Chris Varvares, past president of the National Association for Business Economics.  In a presentation at last week’s Kruse Way Economic Forum, Mitchell, former Economist for US Bank, reported that the U.S. lost over 8 million jobs in this recent recession and that it may take 4-5 years to get back to pre-recession employment levels. Mitchell also said that only three States are showing positive job growth: Alaska, North Dakota and New Hampshire.

How are you interpreting and integrating the long-term economic forecasts into your business valuation reports?  Share your perspective with the BVWire editor here.

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