Video demonstrating the FMV DLOM Calculator available as a free download

BVWireIssue #99-2
December 8, 2010

In the BVR video “The FMV Calculator,” Kyle Vataha (FMV Opinions, Inc.) demonstrates the step-by-step use of the Calculator and answer listeners' questions. The FMV DLOM Calculator uses data in The FMV Restricted Stock Study and applies the same methodology FMV Opinions uses in-house.  Based on a variety of financial metrics of the appraiser’s subject company, the Calculator streamlines the process for determining a discount for lack of marketability (DLOM) by automating the comparative analysis with restricted stock issuers and adjusting for market volatility and the additional illiquidity of private company stock.  The Calculaator also allows users to inflation-adjust all underlying restricted stock data.  BVWire estimates the calculator will save 2-4 hours of work for each minority share valuation.
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