It’s a whole new ballgame for valuations in the context of marital dissolution, which is why the AAML/BVR Virtual Divorce Conference will focus on the most important issues impacted by all of the recent changes. For example:
Then: At last year’s conference, Michelle Gallagher (Adamy Valuations) was a co-speaker at several sessions on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), which created quite a challenge for experts in a family law context.
Now: Today, business valuation experts must deal with a triple whammy—not only the ongoing impacts of the TCJA, but also the unprecedented impacts of COVID-19 as well as new government relief programs, which have triggered a lot of questions and uncertainties. For example, how are Payroll Protection Plan loans being handled for valuation purposes? “We are asking for the PPP loan application calculations and asking management to prepare a forecast of the loan forgiveness amount,” says Gallagher. “Based on when their PPP loan was funded and management’s forecast, we are modeling the cash flow impact as best we can.”
Gallagher will co-present a two-part session, To Sum It Up: How Tax Issues, Government Programs and COVID-19 Have Impacted Business Value, along with valuation expert Don DeGrazia (Gold Gerstein Group LLC) and attorney Brian Vertz (Pollock Begg Komar Glasser & Vertz LLC). Part 1 will be on September 10, and Part 2 will be on September 11. The conference begins September 9 with a multiday schedule designed to fully respect your workday obligations. To check out the full agenda, click here. See you there!