A number of valuation reports from the Big Four and large national BV firms are on WikiLeaks, points out an article in NACVA’s QuickRead. The author uses these reports to demonstrate USPAP’s concepts of hypothetical conditions and extraordinary assumptions. A WikiLeaks search of the term “valuation report pdf” triggers over 1,000 hits.
One of the valuation reports is for Sony Pictures for an equity stake in the Game Show Network (GSN), a channel showing reruns of classic game shows. Ernst & Young did the report (in draft form), which found the fair value of the total equity of GSN to be $640 million (in 2009). Interestingly, that’s exactly 10,000 times what you could win on the old “$64,000 Question” quiz show (consolation prize was a case of DUZ).
New valuation report database imminent: This news bodes well for BVR’s 2016 initiative to launch a valuation report database for the BV profession and the masses. This new product, in development with input from the profession, will feature actual valuation reports which are searchable by industry, business size, and more. We want to hear from you. If you are interested in being part of this important project, please email us.