The long-awaited Standards of Value: Theory and Application, by Jay Fishman, Shannon Pratt, and William Morrison (John Wiley & Sons) is due in bookstores in the next few weeks, and, in BVWire’s opinion is the best current authority on applying standards of value in four contexts: estate and gift valuation, shareholder dissent and oppression, divorce, and financial reporting.
“The divorce chapter has the best summary of state-by-state case law I have seen to date,” says Ron Seigneur, MBA, CVA, CPA/ABV (Seigneur Gustasfon Knight, LLP). “The chapter on shareholder dissent is equally impressive,” he says, with its research reaching back to 19th Century law and moving forward through landmark Supreme Court cases and the Model Business Corporation Act. This statutory fair value chapter has a similar state summary of case law and definitions, including the application of discounts in each state.
But don’t just take his word for it: Tune into the BVR Telephone Conference on “Standards of Value,” featuring all three expert-authors, and moderated by Ron Seigneur on October 24, 2006. To register, click here.