Many traditional models such as CAPM, Modified CAPM, and the Build-Up Model (BUM) are still fully appropriate to utilize, but their inputs now require extra justification. As the economy continues to falter, new questions are being asked about the use of the 20-year Treasury Note as a risk-free proxy and what can be learned from recent work on liquidity and its impact on the cost of capital. Join us on Thursday, April 30 at 10:00am Pacific/1:00pm Eastern for Developing Discount and Cap Rates in a Troubled Economy: New and Emerging Views on Old Issues, a 100-minute teleconference hosted by Ron Seigneur, Don DeGrazia, and Stacy Preston Collins. Two CPE credits are available to all attendees. To learn more, hear Ron Seigneur describe the program, or to register, click here.
Techniques to develop discount and cap rates coming under increased scrutiny
BVWireIssue #79-4
April 22, 2009
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