Stout updates Restricted Stock Study and Calculator

BVWireIssue #187-1
April 4, 2018

discount for lack of marketability (DLOM)
restricted stock, discount for lack of marketability (DLOM), stout (FMV) restricted stock study

The most widely used restricted stock transaction database is the Stout Restricted Stock Study™ (formerly FMV Opinions), which is updated quarterly and contains 780-plus screened transactions with up to 60 data fields. It provides empirical support for a discount for lack of marketability (DLOM). The database includes the Stout Calculator that makes it easy to use Stout’s methodology and determine a DLOM driven by the financial characteristics of your subject company, as well as the volatility of the market. This is the preferred analysis as opposed to a simple listing of all the studies and their average discounts and then pulling a DLOM out of what may be perceived to be thin air.

New enhancements: After spending a good deal of time reviewing the methodology, Stout has made some enhancements, including a simplified adjustment methodology and more robust sample sizes for adjustments. Also, all transactions occurring at a premium are now excluded. All of these enhancements are embodied in the Calculator, which comes with the database. A free Companion Guide has also been updated and is available if you click here.

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