Summer may seem well beyond a February planning horizon—but one of the best ways to beat the midwinter doldrums (and make good on those 2008 business development resolutions) is to start looking at the terrific line-up of BV conferences slated for this coming season. May is when the action begins—not only with the NYSSCPA confab mentioned above, but also the “Current Topics in Business Valuations,” sponsored SoCal Appraisers and PricewaterhouseCooper in Los Angeles, CA on May 16, 2008—an annual event that usually sells out fast. The California Society of CPAs BV Section will be holding an all-day BV Conference on May 28, 2008 in Los Angeles, with a special focus on executive compensation.
Las Vegas is hands-down the most popular venue, starting with the AICPA/AAML National Conference on Divorce, May 8-11, followed by NACVA's 15th Annual Consultants' Conference, June 8-11. (The AICPA/ASA National Business Valuation Conference will also be held in Vegas in November, 2008). The Institute of Business Appraisers has just posted the dates for its annual Symposium, June 19-21, at the Pheasant Run Resort and Spa in Chicago. The 2008 ASA International Appraisal Conference will be in Minneapolis on August 3-6. The CICBV's 2008 National Conference in Quebec City, Canada will close out the summer on September 4-5.
For a complete, year-round listing of all conferences, seminars, and educational events, including contact information and registration links, visit the BV Calendar located in the left margin of our homepage,, or the links at the upper right margin of this email. Have an event you’d like to list? Be sure to email the editor and we’ll post BV-specific offerings online.