This is one of the tips in an article from the latest journal of the Chartered Business Valuators Institute (CBV Institute), Canada’s valuation professional organization (VPO) and standard-setter. When you talk with the attorney, in addition to learning about the engagement, you can get a sense of whether you will be pushed in one direction or another. While most lawyers “understand that their duties as advocates differ from yours,” if you get the feeling that “you might be pressured from a lawyer you have not worked with before, we would encourage you to do some research on their past cases to see if you’d be comfortable taking this case.” The article, “Tips to Help You Avoid Blurring the Line Between Impartiality and Advocacy,” by Andrew Cochran (EY), Shaun Laubman (Lax O’Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb), and Lindsay Campbell (Hoare Dalton Litigation and Valuation Services), is in the Journal of Business Valuation, 2021 edition. Other articles discuss causation and financial losses, COVID-19 impact on valuations, forecast validation for economic losses, and the challenges of litigation engagements for smaller businesses. Some very interesting reading here! The journal is on the BVResearch Pro platform, a clearinghouse of 20,000 BV-related articles, books, court cases, webinar transcripts, and much more.
Start due diligence before accepting an engagement
BVWireIssue #233-3
February 16, 2022
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