Created by Professor Herbert Kierulff of Seattle Pacific University, this year’s Business Valuation Challenge was proudly hosted by the J. Mack Robinson College of Business and Department of Finance at Georgia State University (GSU). It took place November 11-12 at GSU.
Teams from 18 colleges and universities participated, and judges chose six to go to Atlanta for the finals along with two invited teams from GSU. The results from the competition:
- GSU (Honors);
- GSU (Panthers);
- Mississippi College;
- University of Tennessee; and
- Seattle Pacific University.
As host of the event, GSU was not eligible for prizes, so Mississippi College won the cup, UT was first runner-up, and SPU was second runner-up. BVR congratulates these teams—and all of the teams that participated.
The BV Challenge is an extraordinarily unique opportunity and learning experience for the students—and judges—involved. It is a “real world” competition during which teams of students value an actual company and present their results. BVR provides data, resources, and other materials for the Challenge, and GSU worked with the AICPA to coordinate industry mentors for each of the teams. “We had tremendous support from the AICPA and will expand this relationship going forward,” said Dr. David Beard of GSU.
University faculty members who wish to register a team of students for the 2017 competition can contact Dr. Beard at Business valuation practitioners please pass the Challenge info and website along to your alma maters! The Challenge is also a great chance for BV firms to attract new talent—contact Dr. Beard at the above address for sponsorships and ways to get the word out on your firm.