Here’s what you’ll see:
- “Hotel Valuation: Breaking the Rules—But Getting it Right!” (Franz H. Ross). This article explains why the dominant method for the appraisal of hotels is contrary to the main methods used for the appraisal of other real estate-centered enterprises (RECEs) and is therefore flawed.
- “Proposed Sec. 2704 Regs Fly in the Face of BV Theory and Tax Law” (Ronald D. Rudich). A discussion of some of the many issues that need to be extensively discussed and researched before the controversial proposed regs for estate tax valuations can be enacted.
- “Exclusive Survey: Most BV Firms Expect 2016 Revenues to Top Last Year” (BVR Editor). Preliminary results from BVR’s Firm Economics Survey conducted during June and July of this year.
- “PPA-Style Method Helps Fine-Tune Estimate of Personal Goodwill” (BVR Editor). A twist on traditional methods for carving out personal from enterprise goodwill.
- “The Valuation of Restricted Stock Grants Based on Total Shareholder Return” (Robert Barnett). This article focuses on a specific form or market condition that is only available to a public company called total shareholder return (TSR) or relative total shareholder return (rTSR).
- “Experts Reveal Details of the Business Valuation Market in India” (BVR Editor). An interview with three valuation practitioners from India.
The issue also includes:
- Regular features: “BV News At-a-Glance,” “Ask the Experts,” “Tip of the Month.”
- BV data spotlight: Pratt’s Stats MVIC/EBITDA Trends, ktMINE Royalty Rate Data, Economic Outlook for the Month, and Cost of Capital Center.
- BVLaw Case Update: The latest court cases that involve business valuation issues.
To stay current on business valuation, see the October issue of Business Valuation Update.
Please let us know if you have any comments about this article or enhancements you would like to see.