Here’s what you’ll see:
- “New Guidance in Updated Edition of Economic Damages Book” (BVR Editor). The editors of The Comprehensive Guide to Economic Damages, Nancy J. Fannon, CPA, ASA, MCBA (Marcum LLP), and Jonathan M. Dunitz, Esq. (Verrill Dana), talk about the new edition of the book and give some insights on economic damages.
- “Aruba Networks: Should Appraisals Rely on Unaffected Market Price?” (Gilbert E. Matthews, CFA). Delaware appraisal decisions in recent years have effectively endorsed the concept that the price paid in an arm’s-length transaction is “fair value” when there has been a “robust” sales process. This article examines the “troubling” ruling in which the court based its appraisal solely on the unaffected market price.
- “Testing the S Corp Value Premium for Realism and Reasonableness” (Sarah B. von Helfenstein, MBA, CVA). Not long ago, we attended the author’s session at a NACVA conference where she presented on this topic. We asked her for this article, which has some key takeaways from that session as well as from a longer paper she wrote.
- “Users Reveal Insights and Tips on DealStats and the GCTM” (BVR Editor). A valuation expert and a business broker/appraiser give some insight into the use of the new DealStats database and some comments on a few aspects of the guideline company transaction method.
- “Industry Snapshot: Home Hospice Firms” (BVR Editor). An at-a-glance overview of the valuation nuances of home hospices firms, based on a webinar presented by Darcy Devine and William Hamilton, who are both with Buckhead FMV.
- “Recap of the AM&AA 2018 Summer Conference” (Robert Brackett, CPA, ICVS, CGMA, CVA). The Alliance of Merger & Acquisition Advisors 2018 Summer Conference had a single track focused on doing business in the intermediary market. Attendees included investors, intermediaries, consultants, and industry partners, from across North America, Europe, as well as Asia.
- “Work File Checklist for the Tax Amortization Benefit” (BVR Editor). A practice aid based on the Mandatory Performance Framework (MPF) for the Certified in Entity and Intangibles Valuation (CEIV) credential.
The issue also includes:
- An expanded section of “BV News and Trends/Global BV News and Trends.”
- Regular features: “Ask the Experts,” and “Tip of the Month.”
- BV data spotlight: “DealStats MVIC/EBITDA Trends,” “ktMINE data,” “Economic Outlook for the Month,” and “Cost of Capital Center.”
- BVLaw Case Update: The latest court cases that involve business valuation issues.
To stay current on business valuation, check out the October issue of Business Valuation Update.
Please let us know if you have any comments about this article or enhancements you would like to see.