Number of deals, deal values and multiples increase in software and information industries

BVWireIssue #100-3
January 19, 2011

Investment bank Berkery Noyes released its 2010 Year Software M&A Trends Report and 2010 Information M&A Trends Report. Both reports include analysis of merger and acquisition activity in 2010 and comparisons with activity in the three previous years. According to the investment bank, “software saw a dramatic increase in both transaction volume and value in 2010.  Total transaction volume increased by 37 percent from 819 in 2009 to 1121 in 2010.  Total transaction value in 2010 increased by 103 percent from $38.29 billion in 2009 to $77.61 billion in 2010.” The report on the information industry shows “transaction volume in 2010 surpassed 2009 by 36 percent, climbing to 2,046 transactions.”
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