Groundbreaking research and data analytics have emerged to challenge commonly held beliefs about survey data, physician compensation, and fair market value. This is all revealed in the new second edition to the book, BVR/AHLA Guide to Valuing Physician Compensation and Healthcare Service Arrangements, by Tim Smith (Ankura) and Mark O. Dietrich along with 42 other contributing authors. The two-volume work is the industry’s only peer-reviewed comprehensive body of knowledge for healthcare compensation valuation, and it provides a complete alternative to reliance on surveys to determine fair market value.
Smith makes the case that this new research calls for the entire healthcare industry to rethink its approach to FMV during a webinar, Data Error: How New Research is Changing the Paradigm for Use of Compensation and Work RVU Data for Fair Market Value. His co-presenter is Ashley Artibee, a data analyst with the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), a provider of physician compensation survey data.