Long considered one of the books on business valuation, Gary Trugman’s Understanding Business Valuation: A Practical Guide to Valuing Small- to Medium-Sized Businesses is now available in its 5th edition. What stands out in this book is Trugman's informal, easy-to-read style that draws on his real-world experience to make technical and complex topics easy to understand.
New to this edition: In addition to revisions to existing material and examples, there’s a new chapter on valuing stock options, preferred stock, debt, and startup ventures. There’s also a new discussion of economic obsolescence, “an issue that arises regularly but is not necessarily addressed by the valuation analyst,” writes Trugman in the September 2016 issue of Business Valuation Update.
When you purchase the book, you will get access to a special webpage that contains an index of all articles from Business Valuation Update, an index of all cases in BVLaw, among other features.