A formal affiliation between Meyers, Harrison & Pia LLC and Mark O. Dietrich, CPA, P.C., has been announced. Dietrich, the “foremost expert in the field of healthcare valuation in the United States,” says Mark Harrison, will serve in an Of Counsel capacity to MHP. The combination of these two firms offers diverse expertise in the areas of commercial damages, expert testimony, healthcare valuation and the healthcare regulatory environment, noncompetition agreements, marital dissolution, S corporations, and cost of capital.
“This relationship affords us the opportunity to work together on complex valuation and litigation matters and take advantage of our unique skill sets,” says Dietrich. “I am pleased to have the ability to undertake projects that, in the past, were outside the capacity of a smaller firm.”
Dietrich has done more than 350 valuation engagements in the healthcare industry and has authored or edited over 100 books and articles in this area, including the BVR/AHLA Guide to Healthcare Valuation and BVR's Guide to Physician Practice Valuation.