Mercer continues his publishing efforts—with content you can share with your clients

BVWireIssue #88-2
January 13, 2010

Chris Mercer published his first book (Valuing Financial Institutions) back in 1992, to help develop his Memphis-based, valuation and investment banking practice into the well-known, national firm that Mercer Capital is now.

Several books, countless articles and presentations, an interactive website and e-alert later, Mercer has just started a new blog on buy-sell agreements, announcing it on Twitter as well as LinkedIn. The blog will also help launch yet another Mercer book, with the working title Buy-Sell Agreements for Business Owners. “Much of what you see on this blog for awhile will likely appear in the new book, so enjoy and share with your fellow business owners and with your attorneys and other advisers,” Mercer says in a recent posting. He also tells the BVWire™ that the new blog is just the beginning, “and we’re not finished!” 

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