A track devoted to leading-edge topics in business valuation will be a popular draw at the NACVA/CTI Annual Consultants Conference in New Orleans June 24-27. In one session, Dr. Ashok Abbott will present empirical evidence challenging commonly accepted notions about the size premium. Another session sure to pique interest focuses on an alternative approach to the valuation of S corps and other pass-through entities. The approach is based on academic research about the impact of taxes on value and how to apply that research to private-company valuations. Nancy Fannon and Keith Sellers, the authors of a new book, Taxes and Value: The Ongoing Research and Analysis Relating to the S Corporation Valuation Puzzle, will conduct this session.
Other topics on the leading-edge track include:
- Caution!—IRC §6695A Can Be Injurious to Your Personal Wealth (Alfred King);
- Oil & Gas: From Rock to Bank (Jim Harden);
- Valuing Complex Financial Instruments—Monte Carlo Simulation and Lattice Models (Matthew Goldberg);
- Valuing Complex Debt and Equity Structures (Lorenzo Carver); and
- Valuation of Businesses, Securities, and Intangible Assets for Bankruptcy Purposes (Robert Reilly).
BVWire looks forward to attending the NACVA conference. Why not join us?