Kevin Yeanoplos (Brueggeman and Johnson Yeanoplos) is profiled this month in the Journal of Accountancy—with a focus on his stroke at age 46, and his music. “After I was discharged from the hospital, I immersed myself in music for its therapeutic effects. Playing guitar strengthened my left hand; tapping to the beat fortified my leg muscles. During this process, I began to understand why my career in business valuation appealed to me so much: It was very similar to being a musician,” Yeanoplos relates. “When I write a song, I take a set of notes, interpret them, put them together in a final composition, and hope to convey a message to the listener. When I value a business, I look at a set of facts, interpret them, and compose a conclusion in a report, hoping to convey my message to the reader. It’s the same process!”
Read the complete article (including a cool picture of Kevin) here.