Budding valuators competed in the Second Annual BVR/SPU Valuation Challenge at Seattle Pacific University (SPU). Four teams of students were given a real-world company to appraise by public accounting firm Moss Adams. Then, armed with tools supplied by BVR, they competed for the best valuation presentation.
Three specialists from Moss Adams’s valuation practice—Wayne Fjeld (senior manager), Kaori Packard (manager), and Miranda Rickert (financial analyst)—evaluated the presentations and selected the "Women in Finance" team as the best.
Dr. Herbert Kierulff, SPU professor who runs the event, shared these comments he received from Fjeld: “All teams did a good job and we enjoyed being a part of the process. Not having had a class like yours when I went through the system, I would have really appreciated and benefited from a project like the one you are spearheading, so congratulations to you as well.”
Kierulff has begun work on the Third Annual Valuation Challenge, which will involve other universities. It will be held in June 2014.
BVR congratulates all of the students who competed in this year’s challenge and is pleased other organizations are getting involved. If your firm is interested in supporting a similar learning experience for local university students that harnesses the power of BVR’s data, contact Adam Manson, BVR’s financial research manager, at adamm@bvresources.com.