In business valuation, innovation often breeds controversy. Such is the case with the Butler Pinkerton Calculator (BPC), a powerful tool for determining company-specific risk premiums (CSRPs) and total costs of equity (TOCEs) for guideline publicly traded companies through empirical data. In a letter to the editor of BVUpdate (Feb. 2010) Gary Trugman remarked: “I do not recall ever seeing so much controversy as I have seen written about the [BPC]. Where would we be today as a profession if such controversial topics and theories did not emerge regarding treatment of built in gains taxes, pass-through entity taxation, guideline company-control or minority, etc.?”
Trugman and BPC creator Peter Butler will address these controversies head on in “The Butler Pinkerton Calculator: Come and See What All the Hoopla is About,” a free, hour-long webinar hosted by BVR on Wednesday, March 31. In their presentation, the two experts will showcase the proper use of the BPC and discuss the current major concerns about total beta and its applications.
For those on either side of this issue or even the curious, the presentation begins at 10am PT/1pm ET. Click here to learn more or to register for free.