In addition to the webinar on the BIG discount at the beginning of the month, BVR’s January 2013 programming will take on such substantial topics as marketability discounts and the size effect:
The Advanced Series on Discounts for Lack of Marketability, a weekly, four-part program, starts Thursday, January 10, with “Restricted Stocks: A Review of Studies and the Market,” featuring John J. Stockdale (John Stockdale Business Valuations). Additional weekly programs include “How to Quantify and Support Your DLOM using Rates of Return,” featuring Bruce Johnson (Munroe, Park & Johnson Inc.), “What Business Valuators Need to Know When Preparing a DLOM for the IRS,” with Michael Gregory (Michael Gregory Consulting LLC), and “A Review of DLOM Volatility and Option Models,” again with Stockdale.
On Tuesday, January 15, Ashok Abbot (West Virginia University) and Robert Schlegel (Houlihan Valuation Advisors) will address “Size and Liquidity Premiums: Proportional Roles” and discuss the latest research on the relationship between size, liquidity, and risk in valuing private companies.