It may seem obvious, but don’t forget the balance sheet when valuing small businesses

BVWireIssue #104-1
May 4, 2011

At the beginning of last week’s highly attended BVR webinar, Valuing A Business Worth Less than $2 Million, Kevin Yeanoplos (Brueggeman and Johnson Yeanoplos) told the attendees “I always go back to the accounting equation – that is the key to what we do. I can’t stress this enough.” Using the slide below as an example, Yeanoplos reminded the audience “both sides need to equal. I can’t tell you how many people forget that!” Co-presenter Ron Seigneur (Seigneur Gustafson) agreed, saying that many small business owners have never even looked at a balance sheet.

Definitions of Value

Co-presenter Michelle Gallagher (Gallagher and Associates) also commented “this slide can be a very useful tool in a trial because it is easy to understand.”

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