The Business Valuation Resources LinkedIn group, now with over 2,200 members, has some notable recent comments and discussions:
Control premiums: The most active discussion remains “The Value of Control,” started by Lance Hall (FMV Opinions), who takes issue with The Appraisal Foundation’s discussion draft on control premiums. That draft states that control premiums for most publicly traded companies are either nonexistent or very small.
International valuation: Grégoire Buisson (Epsilon Research) pointed out the release of the Q2 2013 Argos Mid-Market Index, which measures the level of private midmarket company valuations in the euro zone. “While M&A activity continues to decline and hit historical lows this quarter, Eurozone private company valuations showed a slight increase from 6.6 to 6.7 times EBITDA,” the index reveals.
Credential choice: Cuthbert I. Thomas, a CPA, wants to get into valuation and asked about what credential to pursue. There has been no heated discussion—yet, anyway. Commenters so far recommend the ABV credential and the AICPA training since he is already a CPA.
BVWire urges you to join the group and start a discussion—or add your two cents to one already going on.