Global: Transaction multiples in Europe published

BVWireIssue #268-2
January 15, 2025

global business valuation
international business valuation, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), multiple, guideline transaction method

In the latest issue of the European Business Valuation Magazine (EBVM), Professor Dr. Stefan O. Grbenic, StB, CVA, has published transaction multiples for Central and Western Europe, as well as Southern Europe. This is part of an ongoing series, and the previous issue had multiples for Europe in total, and the next issue will continue with a regional breakdown into Scandinavia, Britain, and Eastern Europe. The transactions cover the period from April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2024, and provide the following multiples:

  • Deal enterprise value/sales;
  • Deal enterprise value/EBITDA;
  • Deal enterprise value/EBIT; and
  • Deal enterprise value/invested capital.

The author provides some things to consider when using the data, such as the transactions from the latest six months are given double weight in the calculations. He also states that, while the data are evaluated carefully, he denies liability for the accuracy of all the computations.

You can download the full issue and sign up for future issues if you click here.

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