Last year, the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC), the global standard setter for valuation practice and the valuation profession, opened an Agenda Consultation Paper Invitation to Comment (ITC) to solicit input to help set the agenda for the future development of the International Valuation Standards (IVS). This is part of the IVSC’s new efforts to continually evolve IVS instead of issuing completely revised standards every few years.
The IVSC has just published IVS Agenda Consultation – Invitation to Comment 2017: Basis for Conclusions, which outlines the responses. Some 39 responses came to the ITC, about half of which were categorized as detailed because they addressed many or all of the specific questions posed. Also, the responses represented the collective feedback of many individuals, so countless additional individuals were involved in the feedback. All of the comments are posted on the IVSC’s website.
“The IVSC believes that this document outlining the responses from the agenda consultation and the IVSC Standards Review Board subsequently revised agenda is a critical part of a transparent standard-setting process, consistent with the practices of other standard-setters around the world,” the organization states.